Hi everyone! It’s been 5 years since we last posted anything, so I think re-introductions are necessary. I’m Nicky (the best sibling for writing this) and I’m 13, Asher is 15 and Nesi is 8. I’m pretty sure mama and dada are around 28 (just kidding). Oh and we have 2 cats now too (Pedro still going strong)!

Apparently, we still have 18 – 211 subscribers (thanks to the reliability of WordPress), so I hope one of you sees this (comment if you want us to start writing again or leave it as the Big Trip)! We’ve all changed so much and learnt not to take things for granted like wearing mufti every day, food from around the world and our primary source of transport being a plane. Asher is unrecognisable, I’ve grown humbler and wiser (may or may not have gotten 59% on my last maths exam *ouch*) and Nesi, well, she’s tested the boundaries of my tolerance, maths and how soundproof the walls are of our apartment.
On to the actual travel part (being a travel blog). Or should I say un-travel. For most of Australia, 2021 proved not to be the escape from bushfires and lockdown, but a gateway to the world of extreme lockdown, protests and political drama (someone should make a reality tv show about that. Oh wait, we have the news). I almost forgot about online school. Where I’ve watched Netflix at the same time as Shakespeare (#multitasking *cringe*), Asher has somehow started to like maths? And Nesi has spoken more to her friends than anyone has in the history of the world. We’ve all changed in just a few short months. Where do I even start?
– Nicky